Dear Habitat Hamilton Followers and Supporters,
I’d like to thank everyone who has taken the time to share their thoughts and comments about our exciting new partnership with the Upper West Side Landowners Group (UWSLG). While most of the feedback we’ve received so far is overwhelmingly positive, as with any new prospective land development opportunity, some expressed concerns as well. The purpose of this letter is to provide some additional information and context which will hopefully help alleviate some of those concerns and demonstrate why we believe this is a positive opportunity that is well worth pursuing.
At Habitat for Humanity Hamilton, our priority will always be to advance our mission – to create more affordable housing opportunities for families who need them most. We believe that everyone deserves a safe, decent, and affordable place to call home. It is no secret that fulfilling this mission is extremely challenging these days with rising costs, scarce land, and a struggling economy (to name only a few). With this in mind, our new partnership with the UWSLG is a chance for us to provide an unprecedented number of affordable homes to the community we serve now, and not years down the road.
To summarize what this partnership will look like, the Upper West Side development will deliver 5,000 residential homes, 500 of which will be affordable which includes a minimum of 100 affordable homes earmarked for Habitat families who may otherwise never access homeownership. This commitment to dedicating 10% of homes to affordable housing within a project is double the typical rate for projects of this size, which sets a transformative precedent for future developments across Hamilton and the province. For context, Habitat Hamilton has been actively building affordable homes since 1991, and we’ve built 50 new homes in that timeframe with the support of students and community volunteers. We’re extremely proud of what we’ve accomplished, but we know more needs to be done. It’s opportunities with for-profit builders and developers like this one that will allow us to generate more impactful outcomes in a shorter timeframe, which is an overall benefit to the areas in which we operate.
We understand the concerns raised about the location and the nature of this development. From what we’ve gathered, the concerns stem from two main areas:
Building on farmland (ecological impact):
Contrary to some claims, the lands in question are not prime farmland or prime-agricultural lands. All of the lands were designated for development over a decade ago, and they already include critical infrastructure, existing or planned. Nearly 65% of the area falls within Hamilton’s current urban boundary, and the remainder is adjacent to existing developments with servicing already in place. During our diligence and meetings with the ownership group, we were provided with OMAFRA mapping which demonstrates the lands are not prime agricultural, as well as an Agricultural Impact Assessment which the ownership group submitted to the City of Hamilton, which also confirms with greater certainty that the lands are not prime agricultural. This is not about sprawling unchecked across pristine farmland; rather, it’s about building on lands that have long been earmarked for urban purposes.
Community infrastructure and lack of nearby amenities
This development is situated in an area with existing infrastructure and is close to community resources. While we advocate for intensification within the urban boundary, we recognize that Hamilton’s housing crisis requires innovative and flexible solutions. This project allows us to fulfill our mission by ensuring affordable homes are built and are allocated to families who could not otherwise afford homeownership.
For every new affordable housing opportunity created in Hamilton today, 23 are lost1. Add in the other challenges affordable home builders face in today’s market, and it becomes clear that decisive action is needed. The affordable homes in this development will be sold to families from Hamilton who will live in them as their primary residence, ensuring they remain part of Hamilton’s affordable housing stock. We understand the apprehension expressed by some supporters and opponents of the project. However, Habitat for Humanity Hamilton’s role in this deal is clear: if this development is approved, we will ensure that affordable homes are built and made available to families who need them most. While land-use decisions are outside our control, our involvement guarantees that the development delivers real social impact.
Habitat for Humanity has always and will continue to advocate for new affordable housing whenever and wherever possible, be it through new or existing development proposals, to infill lots, or inclusionary zoning. This partnership offers an opportunity build more housing in Hamilton, and it’s needed now more than ever. Hamilton is now considered one of the least affordable cities in North America2. To add to this, housing starts at the end of 2024 have declined 30% from 2023 numbers3, while the wait list for family social housing units in Hamilton is over 8 years long4. Without bold steps to address this, Hamilton will lose a generation of young people to other towns and cities.
Habitat for Humanity Hamilton’s projects, like many affordable housing projects, face NIMBYism with varying arguments against the builds. We hear things like it’s too much density, too few parking spaces, environmental concerns, and we’ve even heard things like the homes are too small for the neighbourhood. We are no stranger to pushback. That said, it is always the case, and that includes with this announcement, that the support for our builds always far outweighs the criticisms. The reason for this – we deliver real results that give families a safe, decent, affordable place to call home.
The housing crisis in Hamilton demands collaboration, innovation, and a willingness to take on difficult but necessary projects. While we respect differing opinions, we will continue to pursue our mission, and we firmly believe that this partnership represents a unique opportunity to make a tangible difference in the lives of families who dream of owning a home. We invite you to be a part of what will transform the lives of hundreds of Hamilton families.
Together, we can build a brighter future for Hamilton—one home, one family, one community at a time.
Sean Ferris
Chief Executive Officer
1) From the Hamilton Community Foundation’s 2023 Vital Signs Report: