
Habitat Hamilton launches new program to help vulnerable homeowners in Hamilton

(Thursday, August 20, 2020—HAMILTON, ON) Habitat for Humanity Hamilton is eager to announce the launch of its new program, RePair Rescue. This new program focuses on helping local Hamilton homeowners who need urgent exterior home repair or maintenance work but are unable to cover the associated costs due to socio-economic factors.

Many Hamiltonians are facing financial hardship in the wake of COVID-19, and we want to help alleviate some of the pressure homeowners are facing by completing necessary exterior home repair and maintenance work for those in need, at no charge to the homeowner.

With the support of Hamilton Community Foundation’s Pandemic Response Fund, Habitat Hamilton received a $10,000 grant to offer complimentary exterior home repair and maintenance work to vulnerable homeowners throughout the city.

“COVID-19 has affected many people throughout the city and though Habitat Hamilton can’t help everyone, we want to do our part to help vulnerable homeowners who require exterior home repairs or property maintenance. We don’t want people forgoing necessary or emergency exterior repair work because of a socio-economic restraint or challenge,” says Sean Ferris, Executive Director of Habitat Hamilton.

Habitat Hamilton advises all interested applicants to visit our website to review eligibility criteria and requirements. Those who meet the requirements are encouraged to contact the organization for more information.

“Everyone needs a safe and decent place to live and that shouldn’t be compromised because of lost income or other challenges exacerbated by this global pandemic. Often overlooked, there is a large segment of Hamilton homeowners who are struggling to make ends meet. We want to ensure that members of our local community can find security in their home,” says Cherie Somerville, Board Chair of Habitat Hamilton. “Thankfully, this grant will enable us to help some local homeowners build strength, stability and self-reliance during these difficult times.”

Habitat Hamilton plans to evaluate the success of this program upon the completion of the grant cycle. If deemed a success, Habitat Hamilton intends to apply for further funding to continue this program beyond 2020.

For more information on Habitat Hamilton’s RePair Rescue program please visit our website.

About Habitat for Humanity Hamilton:

Founded in 1991, Habitat for Humanity Hamilton is an independent, not-for-profit housing program that builds strength, stability and self-reliance through shelter. Habitat Hamilton has accommodated 30 Habitat homeowner families locally since its incorporation, and is one of Habitat Canada’s fastest growing affiliates, with several builds and developments forthcoming. For more information, please visit

For more information, please contact:

Sean Ferris, Executive Director, Habitat for Humanity Hamilton

Phone: 905-560-6707 ext. 108


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